Thursday, April 28, 2011


How would you describe a woman who lives in a tract house in suburbia who begs her husband to stop the car so she can watch a calf wobble around that was just born? (And who but a farm-nerd even notices such a thing?)  My big birthday gift a couple years ago was a chicken coop for my garden, built by my husband who was finally just worn out by my chicken talk.  This evening we took my new chicks for a walkabout in the yard (their first), & I got excited and jumped around almost as badly as when I whooped and hollered as I watched the afore mentioned calf take her first walkabout around her mama and finally found her udders.  I had dragged my long suffering husband out of the car at that point and I stood a good distance from the cow (didn't want to make her nervous), and cheered and moaned every time the calf stood or fell.  If the real  farmer had seen me, he'd have thought I was nuts, as did probably every passing motorist.  Are there any other farm-nerds out there?  Surely I can't be the only one - and don't call me Shirley... that's my mothers name...